How to get octomap to store data sent by rgbdslam
Hi everyone. Felix Endres has a grest post on ROS Answers for how to get rgbdslam to send data to octomap and save it out as a map that can then potentially be used for navigation and path planning. However, even though the rgbsdlam package sends the data (which can be seen by listening to the /rgbdslam/batch_clouds output ros topic when you send the model), nothing seems to get "stored" in the octomap server, which should acccumulate the point clouds sent by rgbdslam in some variable. I worked with Felix for about a week trying to debug this, all of the basics are fine. ie topics are good, launch files are correct, nodes wired correctly, etc. Octomap will even save out a <> output fill that you can attempt to open in octoviz, but it has no actual point cloud data. It's just empty.
Has ANYONE gotten this to work besides Felix and if so, can you share you notes so we can find the missing step and share this with the community? Thanks.
Could you tell me the link to the "great post"?