error in tf tutorial for diamondback
I think that there is an error in the tf/Tutorials/writing a tf broadcaster wiki for diamondback, but I want to check before I edit the wiki.
Specifically, on the page: Writing a tf broadcaster
In the launch file there is a reference to a package that does not come up in rospack find (turtle_teleop) and also two broadcast nodes are started, whereas the subsequent notes suggest that only one should have been. So the existing code is:
<include file="$(find turtle_teleop)/launch/turtle_keyboard.launch" />
<node pkg="learning_tf" type="turtle_tf_broadcaster"
args="/turtle1" name="turtle1_tf_broadcaster" />
<node pkg="learning_tf" type="turtle_tf_broadcaster"
args="/turtle2" name="turtle2_tf_broadcaster" />
I suggest this instead:
<!-- Turtlesim Node-->
<node pkg="turtlesim" type="turtlesim_node" name="sim"/>
<node pkg="turtlesim" type="turtle_teleop_key" name="teleop" output="screen"/>
<!-- Axes -->
<param name="scale_linear" value="2" type="double"/>
<param name="scale_angular" value="2" type="double"/>
<node pkg="learning_tf" type="broadcaster_tf"
args="/turtle1" name="turtle1_tf_broadcaster" />
<node pkg="learning_tf" type="turtle_tf_broadcaster"
args="/turtle2" name="turtle2_tf_broadcaster" />