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ROS_ROOT Problem

asked 2011-02-20 21:21:56 -0500

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I accidentally tweaked something "export ROS_ROOT=$PWD:$ROS_ROOT" into several directories, into /diamondback and /unstable directories. Where should it be located? I mean a standard ROS_ROOT. BTW, I want to point to the diamondback instead of unstable. Hopefully someone could guide me..

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Please don't put [SOLVED] in the title. Also, don't mark every question as a community wiki, there is no reason for that.
mjcarroll gravatar image mjcarroll  ( 2011-02-21 02:25:34 -0500 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2011-02-20 23:15:41 -0500

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

Finally this command "source /opt/ros/diamondback/setup.bash" saved me :-)

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If the issue is solved, mark one (can be your own) of the answers "the-best-one", for the question not to appear unanswered any more, please. Glad you made it :).
tom gravatar image tom  ( 2011-02-20 23:26:41 -0500 )edit
How to mark it? is it by clicking thumbs up?
alfa_80 gravatar image alfa_80  ( 2011-02-20 23:29:19 -0500 )edit
There should be a check mark under the thumbs up/thumbs down.
mjcarroll gravatar image mjcarroll  ( 2011-02-20 23:33:05 -0500 )edit
Unfortunately, I could not tick my because it was complaining "Sorry, you cannot vote for your own post". I just wrote as [SOLVED] in the title, instead ..
alfa_80 gravatar image alfa_80  ( 2011-02-20 23:35:43 -0500 )edit
Please try again. Not the thumbs up, but the check mark. This question still shows up as "unanswered", wasting people's time.
joq gravatar image joq  ( 2011-02-21 01:39:18 -0500 )edit
I've tried both, and for the check mark or tick, it was complaining "Sorry, you cannot accept or unaccept your own answer to your own question"
alfa_80 gravatar image alfa_80  ( 2011-02-21 01:43:52 -0500 )edit
The check mark is below the thumbs up/thumbs down. Here is an example: Please don't put SOLVED in the title of your post. Thank you.
mjcarroll gravatar image mjcarroll  ( 2011-02-21 02:24:11 -0500 )edit

answered 2011-02-20 21:38:43 -0500

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

ROS_ROOT points to the directory, where the core package resides (I mean, if core package's path is ~/ros/ros/core, then ROS_ROOT=~/ros/ros).

I suppose ROS_ROOT/../ is the right place define ROS_ROOT. This script is being executed by ROS_ROOT/../setup.bash which, in turn, you should normally add to your ~/.bashrc

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I got this output: shah@shah-laptop:~$ roscd [rospack] the path specified as ROS_ROOT is not accessible. Please ensure that this environment variable is set and is writeable by your user account. [rospack] no ROS_ROOT [rospack] the path specified as ROS_ROOT is not accessible. Please ensure that this environment variable is set and is writeable by your user account. [rosstack] no ROS_ROOT, how to recover the ROS_ROOT, then since the "source /opt/ros/diamondback/setup.bash" line is already in the ~/.bashrc.
alfa_80 gravatar image alfa_80  ( 2011-02-20 21:49:41 -0500 )edit
I built Diamondback from source, so I don't have it installed under /opt/ros/diamondback but in my homedir. I'd assume, you can find a file /opt/ros/diamondback/ on you computer. ROS_ROOT should point to the directory under which the core package resides (probably /opt/ros/diamondback/ros)
tom gravatar image tom  ( 2011-02-20 22:02:10 -0500 )edit
I still do not know how to go about this..huhu
alfa_80 gravatar image alfa_80  ( 2011-02-20 22:25:00 -0500 )edit
I got what you mean. I've tried to run "roswtf" and it show that my ROS system is still problematic. Here is the error found: shah@shah-laptop:/opt/ros/diamondback/ros$ export ROS_ROOT=$PWD:$ROS_ROOT shah@shah-laptop:/opt/ros/diamondback/ros$ cd shah@shah-laptop:~$ roscd bash: cd: /opt/ros/diamondback/ros:/opt/ros/diamondback/ros:/opt/ros/diamondback:/opt/ros/diamondback/ros:/opt/ros:/opt/ros/unstable:/opt/ros:/opt/ros/diamondback:/opt/ros/unstable/ros: No such file or directory shah@shah-laptop:~$ roswtf Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/ros/unstable/ros/bin/roswtf", line 34, in <module> from ros import roswtf File "/opt/ros/unstable/ros/core/roslib/src/ros/", line 56, in __getattr__ raise ImportError("Cannot import module '%s': \n%s"%(name, str(e))) ImportError: Cannot import module 'roswtf': Environment configuration is invalid: cannot locate rospack ([Errno 2] No such file or directory)
alfa_80 gravatar image alfa_80  ( 2011-02-20 23:05:57 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2011-02-20 21:21:56 -0500

Seen: 1,895 times

Last updated: Feb 21 '11