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rgbdslam and octomap

asked 2013-04-18 07:35:51 -0500

fontbona gravatar image

updated 2014-01-28 17:16:15 -0500

ngrennan gravatar image

Hi everyone I'm new to ROS and I have the following questions:

how do I get rgbdslam to work with octomap?

I have successfully installed the package and its dependencies to the point that I can launch

roslaunch rgbdslam kinect+rgbdslam.launch

but I don't know how to capture a 3D representation of room. if I press "space" or "enter" I only get one image of the kinect, but what should I do to get the full representation of the room?

also what should I do to get this map saved on octomap?

Also this is the error that I'm receiving:

[FATAL] [1366306714.012014901]: Can't run SiftGPU
[FATAL] [1366306717.289295636]: SiftGPU cannot be used. Detection of keypoints failed


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1 Answer

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answered 2013-04-28 22:41:57 -0500

updated 2013-04-28 22:44:00 -0500

Seems you lack GPU support on your system (small laptop? virtual machine?). Maybe you just need to install proprietary drivers?

Otherwise, in the launchfile, try changing both occurrences of "SIFTGPU" to "SIFT" (painfully slow), "ORB" (fast but high errors) or "SURF" (medium speed/quality).

P.S: After recording the map, just use "OctoMap->Save Octomap" to create the octomap.

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Asked: 2013-04-18 07:35:51 -0500

Seen: 828 times

Last updated: Apr 28 '13