RTABmap localization error
I recently got this error while localizing with RTABmap:
Memory.cpp:739::update() The working memory is empty and the memory is not incremental (Mem/IncrementalMemory=False), no loop closure can be detected! Please set Mem/IncrementalMemory=true to increase the memory with new images or decrease the STM size (which is 1 including the new one added).
[ WARN] (2019-07-11 17:17:24.941) Rtabmap.cpp:3369::getPaths() path.size()=0!? nearestId=0 ids=1, aborting...
[FATAL] (2019-07-11 17:17:24.947) Rtabmap.cpp:2743::process() Condition (_memory->getSignature(id) != 0) not met! [id=1]
What is the reason behind it and how can I avoid it?