hokuyo_node, where to install with Groovy?
I'm working to get the hokuyo_node running on an embedded system (arm based BeagleBone). The ROS distribution on the Beagle is Groovy but the Hokuyo_node tutorial references Fuerte (http://www.ros.org/wiki/hokuyo_node/Tutorials/UsingTheHokuyoNode).
I know the laser_driver was installed under opt/ros/fuerte/stacks in ROS Fuerte but the install locations for ROS are different in Groovy. Should the hokuyo_node go in the ros_ws, the ros_catkin_ws, or somewhere else?
Also, can just the hokuyo_node be installed and not the full laser_driver package or would this require some editing of the pathways somewhere in the hokuyo_node?