Error while connecting to Roomba using roomba_500 package
As soon as I run -->
rosrun roomba_500_series roomba560_node
it gets connected for a fraction of second and then displays the error message
Error: Could not retrieve sensor packets while connecting roomba with laptop.
Any setting that needs to be done for persistent connection ? Please suggest.
Please find the details below: 1. Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
ROS groovy
Yes, dmesg is giving results as expected.
FTDI cable
Roomba 500 series. Roomba 560 node.
Yes, i am running roscore first and then rosrun.
Details below:
I have installed ROS fuerte and checked... It's giving same error --> Couldn't retrieve sensor packets. Please suggest what should be done in case we face with this error on ROS fuerte / electric. I have checked everything again like USB permissions etc.