Turtlebot 2 errors
Updated: I removed everything from the turtlebot laptop and installed Ubuntu 12.04, installed ros-groovy-desktop and went through debs installation for the TurtleBot.
I do not get errors with bringup now but I get this warning
process[app_manager-11]: started with pid [6649] [WARN] [WallTime: 1362386890.272856] Battery : unable to check laptop battery info [/proc/acpi/battery/BAT0 does not exist] [WARN] [WallTime: 1362386890.277911] Battery : unable to check laptop battery state [/proc/acpi/battery/BAT0 does not exist].
Now, the dashboard looks like this
With tele-op, it is still the same. I am not able to move it around. The controls do not work.
The kuboki base doesn't seem to be recognized. Why is that ? Is there a mistake I am doing ?
Thanks, Prasanna.
Can you you see the robot green LED? Sorry, I know this sounds like a stupid question, but Kobuki has a switch to change between firmware updates (no LED) and normal running. Maybe your switch is on "download" mode.
And another basic thing to check is whether port /dev/kobuki exists when the robot is plugged (don't need to be on)
The warning is probably because you are using a different laptop than the default the turtlebot is configured for. There is some information about netbook batteries on the wiki: http://ros.org/wiki/turtlebot/Tutorials/groovy/Netbook%20Battery%20Setup
@jorge The switch is in "operation" mode only and /dev/kobuki does not exist. What may be the problem ?
@Daniel Stonier under /proc/acpi there is nothing named battery. So basically there is no /proc/acpi/battery.
Did you execute this command after installation? rosrun kobuki_ftdi create_udev_rules (you will need root password; and upgrade ros-groovy-kobuki if the script is missing)
@Daniel Stonier Thanks! I guess that should work once <param> tag bug is fixed. And, I am sorry if this sounds too naive, how do I edit a ros wiki page?
@Daniel Stonier I tried setting the battery to /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0 but now I am getting a warning tha /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/info is missing.