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Set rqt_gui Perspectives from Command Line

asked 2013-01-30 06:34:32 -0500

jker gravatar image

updated 2014-01-28 17:15:02 -0500

ngrennan gravatar image

I'm currently writing a script to start rqt_gui with just the right preferences without any setup. So far I've been able to get the rviz preferences to be correct by copying a saved .vcg file to the ~/.rviz/ directory, where it stores such settings. I was hoping I could do something similar for rqt_gui.

My question is how do I make rqt_gui recognize a .preferences file from the command line? I know how to start up rqt_gui using the -p command to set the startup perspective, the problem is getting rqt_gui to recognize this perspective when opened for the first time.

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Years later though, this thread might be a duplicate of where you'll find more discussions.

130s gravatar image 130s  ( 2021-11-19 08:45:50 -0500 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2021-11-19 08:23:18 -0500

ticotico gravatar image

updated 2021-11-19 08:23:49 -0500

A few year later (hoping that someone will find this useful):

    <node name="my_rqt_dashboard" pkg="rqt_gui" type="rqt_gui" respawn="false" output="screen" args="--perspective-file $(find my_pkg_with_rqt_config)/rqt_config/my_dashboard.perspective"/>
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I made this as a chosen answer as it's more direct (and systematic, non-manual) solution.

130s gravatar image 130s  ( 2021-11-19 08:45:24 -0500 )edit

answered 2013-01-30 10:58:55 -0500

130s gravatar image

updated 2013-01-30 11:01:18 -0500

Afaik there's no way currently for you to give rqt_gui configuration on its 1st boot. @Dirk Thomas or @Dorian Scholz have the full answer. But assuming there's no such thing, I would suggest open an enhancement ticket here.

Sound like you've already been aware of many rqt's feature but as a recap, rqt_gui-level setting (the plugins opened last time, their layout a.k.a perspective etc.) is stored automatically when you successfully close its process (in ~/.config/ by default on Ubuntu. Don't know how this works in other platform). But what you are asking is probably plugin-level setting, and also on its initial boot.

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Actually, this is just what I needed. Apparently the rqt_gui.ini file stores the parameters for the perspective, so as long as I copy that I can get the desired effect. Thanks!

jker gravatar image jker  ( 2013-01-31 07:54:52 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2013-01-30 06:34:32 -0500

Seen: 2,278 times

Last updated: Nov 19 '21