Writing a rqt plugin fails
Dear ROS users,
i tried to implement a C++ plugin (lets call it rqt_myplugin) following the tutorial rqt/Tutorials/Writing a C++ Plugin and the rqt_plugin ImageView. I am quite sure, that namespaces and classes are well defined in all necessary files. The problem is, that when i am trying to execute my plugin by running
rosrun rqt_myplugin rqt_myplugin
i get the message:
qt_gui_main() found no plugin matching "rqt_myplugin"
Rqt doesn't show the plugin neither.
Could you explain, how rqt is aware of my created plugin? I thought that it should be enough to source devel/setup.bash.
I am using ROS Hydro and Kubuntu 12.10 32Bit.
Did you add your plugin to your ROS path? I.e. what does `rospack find rqt_myplugin` return? Did you edit the plugin.xml file properly and doe the name match what your put in `rqt_myplugin`? Please provide us your current plugin.xml file.
Your plugin.xml seems ok. How is called your plug-in? (I mean the `.so` file)