Why does hector quadrotor drift in Gazebo? [closed]
If I launch a plain quadrotor in an empty world in Gazebo, the quad stays relatively still. However, if I try launching any other file such as spawn_quadrotor_with_laser, the quad spawns and then drifts randomly. It rotates and changes its orientation by itself and moves in whatever direction it feels like as though a wind is blowing. Any other object like a wall which is spawned in the same environment after that also starts drifting.
I have checked that there is no node publishing messages to the /cmd_vel topic and there is indeed no message coming through while checking on echo as well. Why would the quadrotor behave like this then? If there is no message on /cmd_vel shouldn't the quad be stationary?
Note: Even if I publish messages to /cmd_vel stating the velocity to be 0, the quad still drifts!