install individual stack
I try to install individual stack according to guides at link ROS installation
I use this line:
sudo apt-get install ros-fuerte-slam-gmapping
I had already installed Desktop-Full Install and want to install other stacks individually. Specifically, stacks I tried to install: robotino, robotino_kinect, simple_grasping and a few others but all failed
sudo apt-get install ros-fuerte-robotino
sudo apt-get install ros-fuerte-simple-grapsping
sudo apt-get install ros-fuerte-robotino-kinect
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package ros-fuerte-robotino
What might be wrong here?? did I use the commands incorrectly??
You could try to install via svn(URL can be found in the wiki) or add the url of the source code to the apt-get install command...
@Flowers: I've just turned to use Ubuntu for 2 weeks and not sure what svn is. Could you tell me clearer? some code lines for example
I think ipso is right! I tried to install another stack with: apt-cache search ros-fuerte-pr2-simulator and it worked so smoothly
apt-cache gives you information about packages. For information on svn (subversion), google will probably be helpful.
@Flowers: thanks for you help!! actually, I finally did it with svn for packages without debian files. simply checkout from svn to download the source files and build it with ccmake or rosmake. That's what I did