Autoware Auto - Transform from nav_base to base_link is unavailable.
I am new to Autoware and I have recently started working on the setting up the Autoware.
I have successfully installed the Autoware with ADE using the link here.
I am following the link to configure the LGSVL Simulator.
I have created a test simulation using vehicle Lexus2016RXHybrid (Autoware) and map SingleLaneRoad. As mentioned in the document I have copied the sensor data from here.
I am getting the transformation error when I try to run the below steps,
$ ade enter
ade$ source /opt/AutowareAuto/setup.bash
ade$ ros2 run lgsvl_interface lgsvl_interface_exe --ros-args --params-file /opt/AutowareAuto/share/lgsvl_interface/param/lgsvl.param.yaml
Error details:
[ERROR] [1618066657.298942991] [lgsvl_interface]: Transform from nav_base to base_link is unavailable. Waiting...
Warning: Invalid frame ID "base_link" passed to canTransform argument target_frame - frame does not exist at line 133 in /tmp/binarydeb/ros-foxy-tf2-0.13.9/src/buffer_core.cpp
[ERROR] [1618066658.298681311] [lgsvl_interface]: Transform from nav_base to base_link is unavailable. Waiting...
I would be great help if you could help me to find the fix for this.
Thank you, KK
Hello have you resolved the issue? Can you provide more insight what command did you used?
You need to run the below command:
ros2 run robot_state_publisher robot_state_publisher lexus_rx_450h.urdf
Let me know if there are any other questions.