[tf2] get new transform as soon as possible (callback)?
Hi, I'm trying to use April tags for navigation. For this, I would like to be informed as soon as possible when a new transform between the odom frame and a tag fram is awailable (the best solution would be a callback, but any other solution is fine as well).
My tree (or rather forest) looks like that :
map -> odom -> baselink -> camera
TAG_1 -> WA_1
TAG_2 -> WA_2
when a given tag (or several) are detected, a link camera->TAG_i is added
N will be between 50 and a few hundreds
I have the following constraints :
I would like to be able to get the odom->tag_i transform as soon as it becomes awailable
I don't want to get any "old" data (ie if I processed it once, I don't want to process it a second time)
I don't want to have something "blocking" (or it has to be in a separated thread
I have thought of several solutions, non of which really satisfies me :
the classical polling (like in the tf listener tutorial) : I suppose it is quite expensive to pull up to hundreds of potential links just to get the right one. And if I'm not mistaken, if 0.1 seconds later I start again, I will get a second time the same data if no new one arrived in the meantime (well, I still can check the stamps to reject it if it hasn't changed)
I tried putting a callback on the /tf topic, identify the child_id, and if it is tag_i, then I ask for the transform from odom to child_i : if seems to work most of the time, but sometimes I get
[ERROR] [1602233077.384387072]: Lookup would require extrapolation into the past. Requested time 1602233066.485275640 but the earliest data is at time 1602233067.347147640, when looking up transform from frame [WA_2] to frame [odom]
The code for the /tf listenner is :
void TagsHandler::tfCallback(const tf2_msgs::TFMessageConstPtr &msg)
//cout<<"received tf message"<<endl;;
int i = 0;
for(std::vector<geometry_msgs::TransformStamped>::const_iterator it = msg->transforms.begin(); it != msg->transforms.end(); ++it)
string child_frame_id=it->child_frame_id;
// cout<<"transform #"<<i<<": to="<<child_frame_id<<endl;
int tag_id;
catch(exception const& e)
cerr<<"erreur de conversion :"<< e.what()<<endl;
//cout<<"detecting tag :"<<tag_id<<endl;
string WA_frame_id="WA_"+to_string(tag_id);
string WS_frame_id="WS_"+to_string(tag_id);
geometry_msgs::TransformStamped transformStamped_WA_odom;
geometry_msgs::TransformStamped transformStamped_WS_odom;
transformStamped_WA_odom=tfBuffer.lookupTransform("odom", WA_frame_id, ros::Time(0));
transformStamped_WS_odom=tfBuffer.lookupTransform("odom", WS_frame_id, ros::Time(0));
catch (tf2::TransformException &ex) {
cerr<<"on n'a pas réussi à récupérer la transformée"<<endl;
Point2D position_of_WA_in_odom(transformStamped_WA_odom.transform.translation.x, transformStamped_WA_odom.transform.translation.y);
rosHandler->publish_debug_message(3,"WA_in_odom: x="+to_string(position_of_WA_in_odom.x)+"y="+to_string(position_of_WA_in_odom.y));
this->add_visible_tag(tag_id, position_of_WA_in_odom);
Do you know why the transform is not always awailable? Does it take some time after the tf message arrives until it is processed?
Thanks a ...
Can't you use tf message_filter instead? Would be much cleaner I believe.
fkie_message_filters also supports this.
Thanks for the suggestion. But how do I do it when I have only messages published to tf (and no geometry_msgs/PointStamped)? In addition, I have some waypoints that are defined in the tag frame : how do I handle it? It's not enough to know the tag location, I also need its orientation
is just an example.It's not limited to that message type at all.
OK, thanks. I'm still not sure how I would use it in my situation? Should I try to transform the TAG_i to WA_i transform into odom frame? Or should I try to create a PointStamped for WA_i in TAG_i frame and try to get this point in odom frame? Or something else?
Nb : the transform TAG_i to WA_i is a static one