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Detect collusion

asked 2020-04-16 10:55:32 -0500

jean01 gravatar image

Hello everyone,

I want to detect when my drone collides an object. Is there a collision sensor or any other method where I can get when there is a collision?

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I just want to get the data if there is a contact or not at some time. Would a Bump Sensor be useful or are there simpler ways?

jean01 gravatar image jean01  ( 2020-04-23 11:35:09 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2020-04-25 15:25:31 -0500

pring gravatar image

If you're in simulation/gazebo, it should be relatively straight forward (using AABB collision boundaries)

In real life, I hope your drone never collides with anything ever. You'll likely want to have a lidar and/or depth camera for really good collision avoidance (and pair it with move_base). For smaller drones that have a camera, this is very difficult ..

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Thank you very much for the answer. All sensors are helpful for collision avoidance but in order to keep track if there is a collision or not, should I use a collision boundary like gz topic -e /gazebo/default/box/link/my_contact ? I need to keep its data per time and save it as like in imu sensor dataset

jean01 gravatar image jean01  ( 2020-04-25 16:07:10 -0500 )edit

What about the bump sensor? Can it be used too? Because I have difficulty in adding it to my model

jean01 gravatar image jean01  ( 2020-04-26 13:26:20 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2020-04-16 10:55:32 -0500

Seen: 275 times

Last updated: Apr 25 '20