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What is different RGBD SLAM VS RTAB-Map SLAM?

asked 2020-04-06 04:34:31 -0500 gravatar image


ROS beginners. So I'm not sure.

I tried to use rtabmap for slam using rgb-d in ROS slam.

But is rgbd_slam also provided in the ros package?

i can check the rgbslam at the following link.

Is this a package that can be used with gmapping, Cartographer, or RTAB-Map?

I would appreciate it if you let me know.

If RGBD slam is also available, I use rgb-d and 2d lidar sensors. Which is better, rgb-dlsam or RTAB-Mapslam?

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1 Answer

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answered 2020-04-06 11:35:33 -0500

matlabbe gravatar image

RGBDSLAM is a full SLAM approach like GMapping, Cartographer or RTAB-Map. There are many others compatible with ROS too. I will refer you to table 1 of this paper, which does a brief comparison of all available open-source SLAM approaches that can be used in ROS. Here is a copy of that table: image description

As you can see, depending on the sensors you are using, you would use either a vision-based (RGBD-SLAM) or lidar-based (GMapping, Cartographer) approaches. Currently, only RTAB-Map can use both sensors at the same time. In your case, you won't be able to use the lidar with RGBDSLAM, which uses only RGB-D camera as input. In the same way, you cannot use optimally a RGB-D sensor with GMapping and Cartographer approaches (it is possible to use the depth projection in those approaches but they are more tuned for long-range lidar with large field of view). RGBDSLAM doesn't create a 2D map by default, but a 3D OctoMap. RTAB-Map can use RGB-D camera for loop closure detection, and lidar for 2D mapping. See this configuration example: image description

In some applications, you could use only a lidar, so GMapping and Cartographer can be other good options.


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Dear Mathieu

That is the perfect answer.

It's best. ^^

Have a nice day. gravatar image  ( 2020-04-06 18:20:21 -0500 )edit

here is an additional paper for indoor slam overview
Comparison of Various SLAM Systems for Mobile Robot in an Indoor Environment

Asan A. gravatar image Asan A.  ( 2021-05-31 11:49:58 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2020-04-06 04:34:31 -0500

Seen: 3,868 times

Last updated: Apr 06 '20