Next Step After Hector-SLAM?
Hello Everyone,
Im currently working on a project and things are getting complicated and im looking for the best approach and honestly easily applicable result judging by the hardware I have.
Now lets take it from the start, my project is simply a robot that we ask to go to a specific point on the map and it goes there. The Hardware I have in my disposal:
-Nvidia Jetson , DC Motors , DC Geared Motors with Encoders , RPLIDAR A1 , Adafruit 9-DOF Absolute Orientation IMU Fusion Breakout BNO055 , H-Bridge L298N , Arduino Due , Arduino Uno
full disclaimer: I have no Idea how to use the IMU and DC Geared Motors with Encoders. But I have them
Where I am right now:
Right now I have managed to do mapping using Hector Slam using Rplidar the reason why im using it because it doesnt require odometry.
The problem:
I have no Idea where to go from here. I've looked into the Navigation stack but couldn't find a good tutorial that explains using it with Hector Slam, and if there is it doesnt explain much about how to send details to the motors and how to even control the motors. From what I understood the Navigation stacks takes the map and continuously takes data from the laser scanner (rplidar) as well as odometry data and spits out x, y, and theta. So the idea that I have and trying to apply is to ignore sending the odometry data and just depend on the laser scanner data in order to generate the x, y, and theta. take this data send it to the Arduino, where I can convert them to something my driver can understand and control the DC motors I have learned how to write Arduino listeners thats why im using im not sure if there is a better way.
My questions:
What do you think of this approach can it work and how can I make it work?
Am I missing anything ?
Whats a better approach with the hardware in my disposal and how can I achieve it ?
Whats a better approach in general even if it requires getting more hardware ?
Im a complete newbie in ROS and really lost because from what I have seen many guides just focus heavily on software and dont really go deep in hardware interface as most of them just use pre built robots (Kabuki and whatever)
I welcome any suggestions and answers as I really need to finish this project.
Thank you All