Localising using RTABmap without LiDAR
I have created a map using the depth camera (mono depth camera) and 2d Lidar. When I do the localisation, I will not have my LiDAR, so is it still possible to localise with only the depth camera? As bag-of-words should be saved anyway.
Also, I have tried to localize the robot using the depth camera but for some reason, rtabmap waits for the scan topic to be updated even though I have set subscribe_scan to False. Here is my database: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1uNq...
May be you can suggest me something? Also (if relevant), during the SLAM, I was getting these warnings and erros:
[ WARN] (2019-07-18 15:18:44.199) OptimizerG2O.cpp:698::optimize() Computing marginals: vertex 584 has negative hessian index (-1). Cannot compute last pose covariance.
[ WARN] (2019-07-18 15:18:44.216) OptimizerG2O.cpp:698::optimize() Computing marginals: vertex 454 has negative hessian index (-1). Cannot compute last pose covariance.
[pcl::IterativeClosestPoint::computeTransformation] Not enough correspondences found. Relax your threshold parameters.