How can I get the IMU data in the forms nav_msgs/Odometry and Sensor_msgs/IMU
Hi, I am trying to understand how to integrate an IMU (razor_imu_9dof) with ROS. I am using a driver that goes by the same name to get IMU data into ROS in the form of Yaw pitch and roll. I am very new to this and want to understand how I can get the same IMU data in the forms nav_msgs/Odometry and Sensor_msgs/IMU
Link to the packsge used for driver -
edit: I am trying to use this for ROS robot navigation package. I have an IMU and encoder on my robot. I need nav_msgs/Odometry. How can I get this?
Doesn't the razor_imu_9dof driver already publish as Sensor_msgs/imu?
Why do you need it as Odometry? There is no translation information in the sensor. And yes, the razor driver does publish as sensor_msgs/Imu.
The tutorial I followed shows only YPR data. Upon going through the source code itself, i found that i does give sensor_msgs/imu. I am trying to use Robot navigation stack which needs nav_msgs/Odometry. Would I need to add a wheel encoder to obtain translation information?
Yes. afaik wheel encoder are the most common source of odometry information.