Define Startup State in MoveIt
Hey guys,
i want to declare the startup state of my UR5 Robot for motion planning in MoveIt (using a Python script). Every time i launch the demo file in RViz, the robot is lying flat on the ground (all joint states are zero). How can i define the start pose of the robot? I already declared the following:
pub_pos = rospy.Publisher('arm_pos', Pose, queue_size=10)
scene = PlanningSceneInterface()
robot = RobotCommander()
group = MoveGroupCommander("manipulator")
Thanks for your support. Im running ROS Indigo on Ubuntu 14.04
Can you please include some text on what you've already tried? This has been asked a few times already, so if you've tried some things but they didn't work that would be good to include as it would avoid readers suggesting the same things.