How can I start up the kinova Mico2 (robotic arm) in ROS?
I follow this tutorial "" to run kinova Mico2 robotic arm(4DOF, with 2 fingers gripper). I asked the kinova company, they said the urdf for Mico1 is the same as Mico2, and I can use the urdf of "m1n4s200" (we do not have urdf for Mico2). When I use these commands:
cd ~/catkin_ws
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch kinova_bringup kinova_robot.launch kinova_robotType:=m1n4s200 use_urdf:=true
I got this error:
[ INFO] [1479919955.543172629]: Initializing Kinova API (header version: 50200, library version: 5.2.0)
[ERROR] [1479919955.744790353]: Unknown robot type: 254
[ERROR] [1479919955.744888656]: KinovaCommException: Could not recognize the type of the arm (return code: 254)
How can I solve this issue?
This sounds very much specific to Kinova internals. Have you asked them what could be the problem?
Hi gvdhoorn, Yes. I asked them, they answered me.They just said check your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH environment or use the urdf of mico1, but the solution does not work
And what did they say when you told them that?
I communicate with a guy in the company, and I wait for their solution for it. Hopefully they have a solution.