Hector_Slam (Autonomous Navigation)
I am new to navigation and generally in ros and I am trying to use hector_slam metapackage for autonomous navigation. I am using ROS Kinetic. I have a 3 wheel robot with a lidar on which I have created as a urdf model and I am using gazebo for simulations. Currently, I have managed to use the hector_mapping node to create a map and visualize it through rviz. For the building of the map, I used teleoperation to move the robot. Now I am lost, because I am trying to implement autonomy on my robot. What packages of the hector_slam meta will help me with that and generally where should i start ?
Thank you for your time and for your answers in advance,
@patrchri Hey, I saw your question about Kinect v2 earlier. I wish to do autonomous navigation using Kinect v2. Unlike you, I am not using LIDAR. I am totally lost about how to go about it. How can I convert depth information to laserscanner data? PLEASE HELP! I plan to use gmapping though. Thanks!
I haven't worked with the Kinect v2 since November and my project wasn't related to point cloud data,but you can get point cloud data from this tool .Then use these data with this package to get 2D laser points