URDF has inertia specified, apparently, but I can't find where.
Am currently getting the following warning which I think is the cause of UWSim crashing if challenged by anything more than loading:
The root link base_link has an inertia specified in the URDF, but KDL does not support a root link with an inertia. As a workaround, you can add an extra dummy link to your URDF.
I've gone looking through the .xml files and I've looked around on the internet, and though a lot of people seem to talk about this warning I have found no solutions. I am working from the default cirs.xml
for UWSim inside ROS Indigo.
Does anyone have suggestions to fix this problem? Is it ROS or UWSim?
Thanks if anyone does have a solution.
Here I am getting same warning:
and error in rviz as shown in picture:
How to solve this?
@gokarna_baskota please do not post answers that are not actually answers. This is a Q&A site not a discussion forum. I've reposted your answer as a question comment. Additionally, the image you posted seems to mostly contain text, which is not ideal. It's always preferable to add actual text instead of screenshots so that it can be searched. Finally, I can't really read the image anyway because it's so small. Read more guidelines here: https://wiki.ros.org/Support
The warning in this question is really just a warning. I'm guessing you have an actual issue. Perhaps it would be best to open a new question for your issue specifically. Best of luck!