Unvailable Gazebo easy tasks tutorials PR2 robot
Hi! i have the following problem,
It looks like the package used by the tutorials pr2_simulator gazebo tutorials http://wiki.ros.org/pr2_simulator/Tut... and http://wiki.ros.org/pr2_simulator/Tut... , are no longer available, the repositories dont work, and i couldnt find the source coude in the web neither.
The problem comes, because at the moment im working in a project with gazebo, and for that i need to have some humanoid robot with some basics tasks preprogrammed in Gazebo to start with (like the ones in the tutorials for example). So my question is if you know some other way to get that packages, or, if this is not possible some other simulated humanoid robot in Gazebo with already some preprogrammed easy task that i could use too.