Turtlebot2 does not move in Gazebo
Hi all!
So according to this tutorial: http://wiki.ros.org/turtlebot_simulator/Tutorials/hydro/Explore%20the%20Gazebo%20world
All I need to do to tele-op the turtlebot2 in gazebo is:
roslaunch turtlebot_gazebo turtlebot_empty_world.launch
roslaunch turtlebot_teleop keyboard_teleop.launch
However when I do this, the turtlebot does not move. I have also tried running:
roslaunch turtlebot_bringup minimal.launch
and creating a python node to move it, all to no avail. What am I missing?
Thank you to bit-pirate for catching my missing specs: Ubuntu 12.04, ROS Hydro, i used sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-turtlebot* to get the packages.
EDIT: My Turtlebot2 simulation IS MOVING, however it is moving so slow that you can't even see it move unless you leave Gazebo running for a while and come back to it. How can I make Gazebo run faster?
I am thinking of using turtlebot on Gazebo. As I am new to Gazebo; initially I thought that for turtlebot 2D navigation stack is already set up and we can control everything from rviz. Does we need to write code for moving the turtlebot? Do you know any robot in Gazebo-Ros for which 2D navigation stack is already tuned properly?
Hi Brian, the navigation stack does already have a lot of utilities for using the turtlebot, the only one I know of that uses rviz though is the goal waypoints you can set while using amcl. I am writing code to move it simply because my application requires it.
Hi, my requirement is also similar to you, but right now I need a robot upon which 2D navigation stack properly set up. I am planning to incorporate my own code inside amcl. As you have said for TurtleBot, we can use 2D nav stack; does this robot can be properly launched in Gazeb? Does turtleBot can avail all the functionality of 2D nav stack.? Thanks 4 ur reply.
@Robocop87 The instructions on the wiki work out of the box for me - no need to create nor run extra nodes. Please specific more details about your setup (what and how did you install the turtlebot packages, what versions are you using (Ubuntu, ROS, turtlebot packages)).
Added the specs, thanks for the catch. Still doesn't work for me though =/