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How to install ROS on BeagleBoard Ubuntu 10.10?

asked 2011-02-22 14:37:52 -0500

updated 2014-01-28 17:09:12 -0500

ngrennan gravatar image

Any useful info please.

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5 Answers

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answered 2011-02-22 18:25:22 -0500

tom gravatar image

updated 2011-02-22 19:02:35 -0500

I'd rather install Diamondback than CTurtle. You definitely have to use SVN-install. Also, as I already pointed out in your earlier post, read REP108. Then just do as it says on the Wiki Diamondback SVN installation page, possibly replacing variant with one of those more suitable for your needs as described in the aforementioned REP108.

EDIT (see Koen's posts in this thread !!): An other possibility is using installation scripts provided by Koen Buys on his page.

You can also read my previous posts, they, for now, mainly regard the issue of your interest.

Cheers, Tom

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answered 2011-02-22 14:49:39 -0500

Eric Perko gravatar image

I was able to successfully install ROS on an IGEPv2 board, which is very similar to the original Beagleboard. Here's a rough list of steps:

  1. You'll have to get a working Ubuntu 10.10 install on the Beagleboard.

  2. Next, do an SVN-based install. You can find directions for Cturtle at Installing on Ubuntu from SVN. This will take some time to install, as it will have to build a lot from source on the Beagleboard. You may also have to skip installing certain packages that include GUI things. For example, I don't remember if Ogre compiled successfully on my IGEPv2 board - if it didn't, then anything that depends on Ogre such as rviz would fail to compile. However, since I intended the board to be a headless computer, I didn't really care much if visualization tools failed to compile and install.

If you prefer to cross-compile, checkout the docs for eros, which is a set of packages and tools for cross-compiling and install ROS on embedded systems.

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I'll try it and get back to you.
GeniusGeeko gravatar image GeniusGeeko  ( 2011-02-22 14:52:44 -0500 )edit
I'd rather install Diamondback, see my post.
tom gravatar image tom  ( 2011-02-22 18:28:56 -0500 )edit

answered 2011-02-22 18:21:48 -0500

KoenBuys gravatar image

We did the same on Beagleboard and Beagleboard XM, however we didn't install any X-server related things because we only use it to interface robots (Pioneer + Peoplebot) or sensors (Hokuyo, Sick, ...) to the network. I had an old SD card image on my website, I'll take the time to put a new one online, if people show interest for it. We'll soon be putting a crosscompile toolchain tutorial online for the Beagleboard (after it got tested with students in a course).

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answered 2013-04-29 09:10:45 -0500

Josh Whitley gravatar image

updated 2013-04-29 09:11:47 -0500

This is an old question but has a lot of views. Thought I'd post my tutorial here. ROS Groovy on Ubuntu 12.10 on BeagleBoard-xM:

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answered 2011-02-22 18:37:08 -0500

KoenBuys gravatar image

I've also got some binaries online, but that are old ones, also the install script is an old one. I need to update it, but I'm currently lacking the time. (patches are always gratefully accepted)

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Keon, I'll patch them sometime. I am really interested in getting ROS installed on beagleboard easily.
GeniusGeeko gravatar image GeniusGeeko  ( 2011-03-18 07:15:01 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2011-02-22 14:37:52 -0500

Seen: 1,797 times

Last updated: Apr 29 '13