Worry no more! Where there is a hack... there is a way!
Now, I have just installed Ubuntu 13.10 to later find out that it is not supported by Hydro... Sad but true...
Anyway, the thing is that the meta-package ros-hydro-desktop-full installs also gazebo, which is a simulator that requires libogre-dev to be installed.
libogre-dev on the other hand needs libboost1.49 but everyone else has already already moved on to libboost1.53...
So what do we do?
Simple... We compile libogre-dev and make it look like it is native package installed!
This means that you have to:
1) Install libboost1.53-all-dev ( I install it all, so dependency won't be a problem)
2) Download libogre-dev source code from http://bitbucket.org/cabalistic/ogredeps
3) Cmake the project and generate the Makefile
4) Use 'sudo checkinstall' ( http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/u... ) to generate and install your libogre-dev package. BUT REMEMBER TO CHANGE THE FOLLOWING:
Name of the Package: libogre-dev
Version: 1.7.4+dfsg1-7
This way you are tricking ubuntu's package management system into thinking you have the original package.
OBS: At this point, you have installed a libogre-dev that has been compiled with libboost1.53. I don't guarantee that gazebo will run perfectly or that it will work at all...
5) Proceed with ROS for Raring as described here: http://wiki.ros.org/hydro/Installatio...
See ya