error compiling visual_feature_detectors packages -- opencv don't match
Hi,I have installed cturtle using Ubuntu packages (Maverick 64), and have the package ros_cturtle_vision_opencv. I'm trying to install visual_feature_detector from source: . When I try to compile i get errors like:
/ros/stacks/visual_feature_detectors/brief_descriptor/examples/video_homography.cpp:15: fatal error: opencv2/opencv.hpp: No existe el fichero o el directorio
cv.h:47: warning: #warning "This is a deprecated opencv header provided for compatibility. Please include a header from a corresponding opencv module"
/visual_feature_detectors/features_2d_ros/include/features_2d_ros/any_detector.h:15: error: no matching function for call to ‘cv::FastFeatureDetector::FastFeatureDetector()’
I think that visual_feature_detector needs other opencv version, if this is correct, where can i found a version of visual_feature_detector that works with ros_turtle_vision_opencv prebuild?