Move base to absolute coordinates?
Hi again,
I'm playing around with actionlib
and smach
trying to make my robot move to four specific absolute points on the map. I'm using MoveBaseGoal to drive the robot, however, it seems to accept only cordinates (i.e. the target pose) relative to the current pose (/base_link
How do I make my robot move to an absolute point on the map (relative to the /map
frame that is) without having to translate it from /map
to /base_link
Thank you!
Cheers, Hendrik
Not /map but /odom which in this case is basically the same as /map (statically the same position/orientation). I'll try using /map instead.
Oh, wait, you said the target_pose... nope, that's set to /base_link. I'll try that with /map as well. Totally overlooked that... //edit: works! Thanks a lot! Sometimes it's the smallest things that have greatest influence...