Kinect odometry pose message rotating frames [closed]
I'm trying to use the fovis_ros library with a kinect to publish the geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovariance message to a robot which uses the x-forward, y-left and z-up convention. For this I need the original mono_depth_odometer/odometry message to be published in a different axis from the original (which is x-right, y-down and z-front).
I have seen this question: But the following warnings appear when trying to run the "_base_link_frame_id:=/camera_rgb_optical_frame" parameter:
Unable to lookup transform, cache is empty, when looking up transform from frame [/camera_depth_optical_frame] to frame [/camera_rgb_optical_frame]
And the axis don't seem to change.
I basically need to rotate the original angles in which the message is published.
Do you have any suggestions of how could this be done?