Quaternion to Roll, Pitch, Yaw
Hey, I am attempting to modify a source code (part of it given below) It currently just publishes the Quaternion but I also wish to display RPY. I referred to Rotation Methods and tried the getRPY method. But that doesn't work for me. I believe, since I am new to this (the C++ code, I have a very basic understanding) so I am not sure how to modify the code and publish the RPY values. Can anyone guide me or if this has been previously attempted before then I would appreciate it if someone could post the link. Thank you!
Code - Get values
void VRPN_CALLBACK track_target (void *, const vrpn_TRACKERCB t)
btQuaternion q_orig(t.quat[0], t.quat[1], t.quat[2], t.quat[3]);
btQuaternion q_fix(0.70710678, 0., 0., 0.70710678);
btQuaternion q_rot = q_fix * q_orig * q_fix.inverse();
btVector3 axis = q_rot.getAxis();
btVector3 pos(t.pos[0], -t.pos[2], t.pos[1]);
// verifying that each callback indeed gives fresh data.
if ( prev_vrpn_data.quat[0] == t.quat[0] and \
prev_vrpn_data.quat[1] == t.quat[1] and \
prev_vrpn_data.quat[2] == t.quat[2] and \
prev_vrpn_data.quat[3] == t.quat[3] and \
prev_vrpn_data.pos[0] == t.pos[0] and \
prev_vrpn_data.pos[1] == t.pos[1] and \
prev_vrpn_data.pos[2] == t.pos[2] )
ROS_WARN("Repeated Values");
prev_vrpn_data = t;
target_state->target.transform.translation.x = pos.x();
target_state->target.transform.translation.y = pos.z();
target_state->target.transform.translation.z = -pos.y();
target_state->target.transform.rotation.x = q_rot.x();
target_state->target.transform.rotation.y = q_rot.y();
target_state->target.transform.rotation.z = q_rot.z();
target_state->target.transform.rotation.w = q_rot.w();
target_state->target.header.frame_id = "optitrak";
target_state->target.child_frame_id = frame_id;
target_state->target.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
fresh_data = true;
Code which should Publish the values
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
ros::init(argc, argv, "vrpn_tracked_object_1");
ros::NodeHandle nh("~");
target_state = new TargetState;
frame_id = nh.getNamespace();
std::string vrpn_server_ip;
int vrpn_port;
std::string tracked_object_name;
nh.param<std::string>("vrpn_server_ip", vrpn_server_ip, std::string());
nh.param<int>("vrpn_port", vrpn_port, 3883);
Rigid_Body tool(nh, vrpn_server_ip, vrpn_port);
ros::Rate loop_rate(1000);
if (fresh_data == true)
{ // only publish when receive data over VRPN.
fresh_data = false;
return 0;
I hope posting this much code is not an issue. If anyone could give an insight/explanation into how to obtain and publish the RPY values, I would appreciate it. (Plus it would also help me understand the code much better) Thank you!
Edit: My incorrect solution
//The following was added to int main()
btQuaternion q(target_state->target.transform.rotation.x, target_state->target.transform.rotation.y, target_state->target.transform.rotation.z, target_state->target.transform.rotation.w);
double roll, pitch, yaw;
tf::Matrix3x3(q).getRPY(roll, pitch, yaw);
//The following was added to the while(ros::ok()) loop inside int main()
std::cout << "Roll: " << roll << ", Pitch: " << pitch << ", Yaw: " << yaw << std::endl;
The above does give me certain values, but they are incorrect It gives me ...
In general, it helps when questions contain the minimal amount of code that reproduces issues related to the question. I would encourage you to post that type minimal code examples with your questions in the future, such as you did here.
@nemesis, do you know how should i do it if i am having a set of quaternion angles and i would like to apply rpy to it? e.g. orientation.x = quat[0]; orientation.y = quat[1]; orientation.z = quat[2]; orientation.w = quat[3]; and i would like to add 180deg to pitch. thanks.