Openni node can't find device in simulation
Hi everyone:
I try to start the manipulation pipeline following this
First launch pr2_gazebo pr2_table_object.launch
Since I want to use kinect sensor, I launch the pipeline like this:
roslaunch pr2_tabletop_manipulation_launch pr2_tabletop_manipulation.launch stereo:=false
Everything looks good...but at last, it keeps telling me that:
[INFO] [1358084747.016012678, 248.407000000]: [/openni_node1] No devices connected.... waiting for devices to be connected
I trace the launch file and finally find that the pipeline will start the openni-related node from openni_camera_deprecated, which is now replaced by openni_launch.
How could I modify the launch file to make kinect sensor work?
I'm using ROS Fuerte on Ubuntu 12.04
Thanks for any advice~