Hi! This does not work for me. I am running Fuerte on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64 bit. I could build the ROSARIA file as mentioned in the following link:
I am able to build ROSARIA. But when I run
$ rosrun ROSARIA RosAria NonCritical
Error: ARIA could not find where it is
located. [ INFO]
[1364278447.168195076]: using port:
[/dev/ttyS0] ArLog::init:
File(aria.log) Verbose Logging Time
Not also printing setup failed...
In my system, I do not have /ttyUSB0, but instead I have /dev/ttyS0. I used your commands. But still it did not help.
I also tried using a TCP port:
$ rosrun ROSARIA RosAria
_port:=localhost:8101 NonCritical Error: ARIA could not find where it is
located. [ INFO]
[1364278686.850423069]: using port:
[localhost:8101] ArLog::init:
File(aria.log) Verbose Logging Time
Not also printing setup failed...
Check the aria.log file for more log messages