visualize omics ?!
I was reading in commonsense knowledge here ' '
but I want to visualize parts of the output
so I run first rosrun rosprolog rosprolog mod_vis
and open knowrob_omics from inside by register_ros_package(knowrob_omics).
and then open visualization convas to start querying and visualizations of what geten out but it not success, so I want to know
that is all after launch mod_vis
?- register_ros_package(knowrob_omics).
% Parsed "locations.rdf" in 0.05 sec; 1,344 triples
Warning: /home/amal/ros/stacks/knowrob/knowrob_omics/prolog/
Singleton variables: [O]
% library(omics) compiled into omics 0.00 sec, 6,312 bytes
% /home/amal/ros/stacks/knowrob/knowrob_omics/prolog/ compiled 0.06 sec, 65,300 bytes
?- register_ros_package(ias_semantic_map).
% Parsed "comp_temporal.owl" in 0.01 sec; 164 triples
Warning: /opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/knowrob/comp_temporal/prolog/
Goal (directive) failed: comp_temporal:owl_parser:owl_parse(../owl/comp_temporal.owl,false,false,true)
% library(comp_temporal) compiled into comp_temporal 0.01 sec, 24,168 bytes
Warning: /opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/knowrob/comp_temporal/prolog/
Goal (directive) failed: user:owl_parser:owl_parse(/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/knowrob/comp_temporal/owl/comp_temporal.owl,false,false,true)
% /opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/knowrob/comp_temporal/prolog/ compiled 0.02 sec, 27,548 bytes
% Parsed "comp_spatial.owl" in 0.00 sec; 52 triples
Warning: /opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/knowrob/comp_spatial/prolog/
Goal (directive) failed: comp_spatial:owl_parser:owl_parse(../owl/comp_spatial.owl,false,false,true)
% library(comp_spatial) compiled into comp_spatial 0.01 sec, 25,256 bytes
Warning: /opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/knowrob/comp_spatial/prolog/
Goal (directive) failed: user:owl_parser:owl_parse(/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/knowrob/comp_spatial/owl/comp_spatial.owl,false,false,true)
% /opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/knowrob/comp_spatial/prolog/ compiled 0.04 sec, 69,248 bytes
% library(semweb/actionmodel) compiled into actionmodel 0.01 sec, 63,772 bytes
% Parsed "ccrl2_semantic_map.owl" in 0.07 sec; 2,976 triples
Warning: /opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/knowrob/ias_semantic_map/prolog/
Goal (directive) failed: user:owl_parser:owl_parse(/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/knowrob/ias_semantic_map/owl/ccrl2_semantic_map.owl,false,false,true)
% ccrl2_semantic_map compiled 0.08 sec, 111,808 bytes
% semantic_map_utils compiled into ias_semantic_map 0.00 sec, 8,520 bytes
% /opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/knowrob/ias_semantic_map/prolog/ compiled 0.12 sec, 202,448 bytes
?- probability_given(knowrob:'OmicsLocations', Obj, knowrob:'Kitchen', Pr).
Obj = '',
Pr = 0.003865979381443299 ;
Obj = '',
Pr = 0.006443298969072165 ;
Obj = '',
Pr = 0.037371134020618556 .
?- visualisation_canvas(C).
ControlP5 0.5.4 infos, comments, questions at
PeasyCam v105
lights() is not available with this renderer.
Nov 24, 2012 5:51:33 PM controlP5.ControlWindow init
INFO: You are using renderer processing.core.PGraphics3D.
In order to render controlP5 elements you need to call the ControlP5's draw() manually.
Suggestion is to put controlP5.draw ...
What would you like to visualize? You get object classes back, if you would like to visualize object positions, you need to find the corresponding instances.
@moritz see update please