Cost Map 2D Setup
Hi all,
I'm still trying to figure out a way to generate a reasonable map using sonar data alone. I've given up on gmapping for now.
Thought I'd look at the navigation stack's cost map 2d - questions I have are:
1) Do I/can I just write a node only creating a cost map 2d like in section 3 in
2)Or would I be better off just setting up the navigation stack as per
Which one you find it efficient to use? Can the robot be able find out it's coordinate position from the global cost map?
Hi Brian - thus far I've had no luck with either giving me any kind of representation of the environment. Which is kind of a shame because software I've written myself can generate a reasonable map - true no where near as good as a laser etc but I am able to see boundary and object outlines go through this link it might help you.