costmap clearing
I'm working with the navigation stack and I found some issues in the costmap clearing. I have one laser and some sonars and I use all of them to build the costmap. With the laser all works fine (the marking and clearing is done ok) with my sonars instead some of the obstacles remains in the costmap even if the sonar is publishing max_range. Each sonar is referenced to base link while the laser is refereced to base_laser_link in the costmap_common_params.yaml:
transform_tolerance: 0.2
obstacle_range: 2.0
raytrace_range: 2.5
observation_sources: base_scan sonar_cloud
base_scan: {sensor_frame: base_laser_link, data_type: LaserScan, topic:/base_scan_throttle , expected_update_rate: 0.3,
observation_persistence: 0.0, marking: true, clearing: true, min_obstacle_height: -0.08, max_obstalce_height: 2.0}
sonar_cloud: {sensor_frame: base_link, data_type: PointCloud, topic: /sonar_cloud, expected_update_rate: 0.3,
observation_persistence: 0.4, marking: true, clearing: true, min_obstacle_height: 0.0, max_obstalce_height: 2.0}