Error: Failed to open port. Permission denied.
Hi all, I have been installing Hokuyo UTM-30LX drivers on ROS following sudo apt-get install ros-fuerte-laser-drivers roslaunch hokuyo_node hokuyo_test.launch
as suggested by,
But I came across with the problem Error: Failed to open port. Permission denied.So I found that there is a solution in hokuyo_node/Troubleshooting 1.2 ( But there is no specific and clear solution for this problem. I don't know how to do it next!!!
Any help is appreciated! Thank you!
In the block that start with SUBSYSTEMS, put that in a file called 99-hokuyo.rules in /etc/udev/rules.d/ There should be similar .rules files there for comparison.
That's actually already an answer, you should post it as such.
Try chmod first, if that works setup udev as @dougbot01 said.