ERROR: "guess_frame_id" is set, but guess cannot be computed between frames "odom" -> "base_link". Aborting odometry update...
after that i run a bag file, and then rtabmap, it shows me the following error:
"guess_frame_id" is set, but guess cannot be computed between frames "odom" -> "base_link". Aborting odometry update...
I have activeted the icp_odometry, and I have the following setting in rtabmap.launch file:
<arg name="frame_id" default="base_link"/>
<arg name="odom_frame_id" default="icp_odom"/>
<arg name="odom_frame_id_init" default=""/>
<arg name="map_frame_id" default="map" <="" p="">
How can i resolve this error?
What is the value of