Packages or libraries to colorize 3d pointcloud from rgb cameras?
Hi people,
I am looking for some recommendations about how to colorize pointcloud messages through rgb camera or multiple cameras, anyone has any idea? Thank you in advance.
I would have suggested a combination of OpenCV and PCL, though this previous question noted an OpenCV bottleneck (that may have since been resolved).
I don't have any recommendations for libraries or packages that will do all the work for you though. Maybe someone else can chime in
@shonigmann hello, thanks for your answer, I've seen the linked post before but it's been 10 years since then and I wanted to check what's different from then, also I am not familiar with c++ yet!
Understandable enough. Depends how fast you need things to be I suppose, but you prefer python, there are several wrapper libraries of PCL that are much friendlier in my opinion (e.g. pyvista and python-pcl).
This user did something similar merging Lidar and RGB data in python using a Lyft dataset, but I couldn't speak towards the speed - still, it might help guide you if you do end up needing to implement this yourself.