How to Implement Global Ros Variables
I am working on a stationary pick-and-place type robot. I have created a large catkin workspace for a project that uses various packages. Currently, when I want to change certain variables in my project (like camera location), I need to open multiple packages and edit files individually. I want to streamline the project by creating a configuration file that holds global variables for the entire workspace (so they only need to be edited in one place).
Is this possible to do in ROS? Any suggestions would be appreciated!
are you not using TF?
Edit: reason I ask this and don't directly address your question is I'm wondering whether this is an xy-problem. If you could give a few more examples of the sort of data you're looking to share, perhaps we can give better answers.
Yes I am using TF. I realize I wasn't clear in my original question. For each variable I want to change, there is only ONE corresponding file I need to edit. When my physical set up changes, say I set up the robot in a new area, I need to edit quite variables, and therefore quite a few files. In addition to camera location, there are multiple bins that the arm sorts items in to, whose position and size may change. Workspace area may change size. Most of the edits take place in my main urdf, but a couple are in other places. Perhaps I should edit my urdfs so all the configurable information is my main urdf?
The reason I was hoping to make some sort of global configuration file is because other people will be setting up my project and I want to make configuration as easy ...(more)
Edit: IP address for robotic arm is another variable, one that is not urdf related. Another is camera path location (eg. /dev/video0, /dev/video1)