ROS2+Gazebo What options do we have for joint control?

asked 2020-09-27 00:53:38 -0600

guru_florida gravatar image

It seems we dont have gazebo_ros_pkgs/ros_control yet with the joint controllers ported over yet in ROS2 (Please correct me if I am wrong) at present time (Sep 2020), what would be the recommended way to control humanoid joints in simulation?

I don't use ros2_control yet. I basically made my own controller for Lynxmotion smart servos. Would gazebo_ros_joint_pose_trajectory plugin be a good way to publish joint commands until ros2_control plugin is ready? It suggests that I can send a trajectory of points, but I dont think this takes into account the transmissions or actuator dynamics, does it?

Or should I write my own Model plugin? (ex. based on gazebo_ros::Node) It seems simple enough to write the plugin but again I would have to model the servo dynamics.

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hey, I was curious if you found a solution to this problem yet, since I'm in the same boat

Joe28965 gravatar image Joe28965  ( 2020-11-17 04:08:44 -0600 )edit