Limiting minimum range of virtual kinect laser scan
I am trying to simulate a virtual turtlebot creating a map with gmapping in gazebo.
As an answer to a question I asked earlier, I have been advised to limit the minimum distance from the laser a scan must be to be accepted as valid, so that the laser does not pick up the robot itself.
I am having trouble figuring out how to get that done. Does anyone know what the best way to go about that would be? Or where I could read up on making changes like that?
Thanks, -Ethan
Which driver is producing the original scan data? Some of them provide a minimum range parameter.
I don't know how to check which driver that is.
I have not worked with gazebo, but for the actual turtlebot you can check out the parameters of the package "pointcloud_to_laserscan". In this package, a parameter named "~range_min" defines such value for kinect data. (