trying autoware lane change but op_local_planner m_TrajectoryCosts.size() Not Equal m_GeneratedRollOuts.size() error

asked 2020-07-12 10:02:29 -0500

ichthus_han gravatar image

in Autoware kinetic 1.13 ver, i want to enable lane change using op_global_planner, op_local_planner

i set all enableLaneChange parameter so lane_waypoints_array topic send multi lane global path to op_local_planner

but the code in op_behavior_selector and op_trajectory_evaluator's callbackGetLocalPlannerPath

if(globalPathId_roll_outs == globalPathId)

globalPathId_roll_outs is always last rollout's gid and globalPathId is always first global path's gid

so, that if condition never set true and it caused m_GlobalPathsToUse has no data -> DoOneStep function makes error : m_TrajectoryCosts.size() Not Equal m_GeneratedRollOuts.size() error

i think it has some bug

because, if we want to lane change, op_global_planner makes multi global path and they have own gid (if 3 lanes in global path, gid is 0, 1, 2)

how can i revised it?

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I face the same problem. Have you solved it?

Damon0011 gravatar image Damon0011  ( 2020-07-30 10:56:40 -0500 )edit

I haven't solve the lane change in Autoware/ but the problem about this question, i have some idea. "op global planner makes multi global path and they have own gid" -> revised it multi global path have same gid in op global planner

ichthus_han gravatar image ichthus_han  ( 2020-08-03 21:48:29 -0500 )edit