Merging between rtabmap_ros and octomap packages to get the dimensions of an object and how far it is from the robot

asked 2020-05-13 23:41:49 -0500

Mayar gravatar image

My goal is to get the dimensions of a cuboid and how far it is from my robot. My robot has only a kinetic 360 camera and I can move the robot around by a controller so it’s not autonomous. I’m using RTABMAP to get a 3d octomap and then I access the map by the octomap package to get the dimensions of the cuboid. I’d appreciate it much if you could help me with these questions: 1. Is this approach too complex for my goal? Is there a simpler approach? 2. Can the octomap package help me get the dimensions of the cuboid? A-Till now I know that it contains an API that allows for a map in a bounding box but I’ll already have the map produced by rtabmap_ros package so can it be modified? B- I’ve read the datasheet of the octomap package and I know that it iterates over the voxels, so in my cas I can iterate over the occupied voxels to get the dimension of the cuboid, but what if the map contains other objects, how can I make it iterate over the occupied voxels of the cuboid only?

Thank you in advance

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