Objects slips from gripper during Gazebo simulation
I'm trying to simulate a simple scenario of pick and place for my 6 DOFs robot but i'm encoutering some problems during grasp. In particular, when grasping the gripper starts shaking untill the object slips out of the gripper (the gripoper seems to explode as can be seen in this video). I have also some problem with the grasp configuration, because in some particular coditions, the gripper hit the object due to a bad robot_config setting (i'm using the moveit grasps pipeline to generate and filter grasps according to the specific object).
For the Gazebo simulation, I'm using the position_controllers/JointTrajecoryController
for the arm and position_controllers/GripperActionCommand
for the gripper. I've also included jennifer's grasp plugin in the urdf but the simulation still does not work and i have no idea on how to proceed for solving this issue. I've also converted the position_controllers to effort_controllers as suggested by someone on the internet, but using these controllers causes the gazebo simulation to crash when the controllers spawn. I would appreciate any suggestions.
P.S. To generate the grasping objects i'm using the Intel Realsense D435i stereocam, whose plugin is not available for gazebo. The only solution I have found was to add its description and plugin to the robot description file (.urdf).
https://youtu.be/kvZNvXzzqBk This is the link for the video that describes the issue i'm stucked with.
Please add the link to "jennifer's grasp plugin" you refer to and describe how you have set it up.
Did you find a solution? The proper way should be to use an effort controller. Can you share your code, it would make it easier to help.
@AndreSpa can this question be marked as answered? Or otherwise updated?
@AndreSpa, hii, i'm facing the exact same issue, did you find the answer. Why the grasping action in gazebo is too anoying