This is my oop approach to the problem you stated, note that I modified the service_client version of the beginners tutorial for roscpp.
#include "ros/ros.h"
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include "beginner_tutorials/TwoIntsCustom.h"
class AddTwo
ros::ServiceServer ss_;
ros::ServiceClient sc_;
ros::NodeHandle& nh_, private_nh_;
AddTwo(ros::NodeHandle* nh, ros::NodeHandle* private_nh)
, private_nh_(*private_nh)
this->sc_ = nh_.serviceClient<beginner_tutorials::TwoIntsCustom>("add_two_ints");
boost::thread* ss_thread_;
bool add(beginner_tutorials::TwoIntsCustom::Request& req,
beginner_tutorials::TwoIntsCustom::Response& res);
bool client_call(int a, int b);
bool spin_server();
bool AddTwo::add(beginner_tutorials::TwoIntsCustom::Request& req,
beginner_tutorials::TwoIntsCustom::Response& res)
res.sum = req.a + req.b;
ROS_INFO("SS: request: x=%ld, y=%ld", (long int)req.a, (long int)req.b);
ROS_INFO("SS: sending back response: [%ld]", (long int)res.sum);
return true;
bool AddTwo::client_call(int a, int b)
ROS_INFO("Calling Server...");
beginner_tutorials::TwoIntsCustom srv;
srv.request.a = a;
srv.request.b = b;
if (this->
ROS_INFO("SC: Sum: %ld", (long int)srv.response.sum);
ROS_ERROR("SC: Failed to call service add_two_ints");
return 1;
bool AddTwo::spin_server()
this->ss_ = nh_.advertiseService("add_two_ints", &AddTwo::add, this);
ROS_INFO("Ready to add two ints.");
return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
ros::init(argc, argv, "add_two_ints_server");
ros::NodeHandle nh, private_nh("~");
AddTwo at = AddTwo(&nh, &private_nh);
at.ss_thread_ = new boost::thread(
boost::bind(&AddTwo::spin_server, &at));
ros::Rate r (3.0);
for (int ia=0, ib=0 ; ia < 10 && ib < 10 ; ia++, ib++)
ROS_INFO("Main calling server with: a=%d, b=%d ....", ia,ib);
return 0;
If someone provide a better approach I will be glad to discuss it here.
Well, technically you do not need a ServiceClient node to use the ServiceServer, you can use the
rosservice call
command to call the service implemented in the node. Having said that, what is the point of having both in the same node, by definition the Server node is executing always waiting for a request, if you manage to have both in the same class you will need to bind an additional thread to the class in order to execute the ros::spin of the server and not stall the Client requests. One of the characteristics of ROS is its modularity, that may be the reason by the tutorials (Server/Client)(Publisher/Subscriber) are explained in separate nodes.Nevertheless I am going to add my approach as an answer. I did manage to have both in a class, but you really need another thread for the server to process incoming request ...(more)
@Weasfas, thank you so much for the good explanation. I will try it in my own way, if it fits, i will come back for discuss in order to get your view.