Error running C++ file on ROS, what am I doing wrong? --- std_msgs::Float64: command not found
here's all the errors I got:
/home/ws/src/motor_controller/src/convertor.cpp: line 6: std_msgs::Float64: command not found
/home/ws/src/motor_controller/src/convertor.cpp: line 7: std_msgs::Float64: command not found
/home/ws/src/motor_controller/src/convertor.cpp: line 8: std_msgs::Float64: command not found
/home/ws/src/motor_controller/src/convertor.cpp: line 9: std_msgs::Float64: command not found
/home/ws/src/motor_controller/src/convertor.cpp: line 10: std_msgs::Float64: command not found
/home/ws/src/motor_controller/src/convertor.cpp: line 11: std_msgs::Float64: command not found
/home/ws/src/motor_controller/src/convertor.cpp: line 13: syntax error near unexpected token `('
/home/materov/MATEROV_2019_ws/src/motor_controller/src/convertor.cpp: line 13: `void callbackRollSetpoint(const std_msgs::Float64::ConstPtr& msg64){'
I'm not sure why my code is not running due to the errors because it seems to compile just fine (by entering catkin_make in my workspace), and it seems that it doesn't recognize Float64 as a type in the code, although I included the std_msgs Float64 type??? Feedback greatly appreciated!!!
Please post content of your convertor.cpp file, so we have more information