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URDF model sink to the ground after joint start moving

asked 2019-11-05 23:22:16 -0600

vitsensei gravatar image

updated 2019-11-05 23:23:23 -0600

Hi, I'm using Gazebo 9. I tried to use ros_control package to control joint velocity. But as soon as I sent:

rostopic pub -1 /rover/left_wheel/command std_msgs/Float64 "data: -1"

or try to manually move the model, the model sinked to the ground and two of the wheels gone! I suspect something is wrong with my yaml setup. Here it is:

  # Publish all joint states -----------------------------------
    type: joint_state_controller/JointStateController
    publish_rate: 50  

  # Position Controllers ---------------------------------------
    type: effort_controllers/JointVelocityController
    joint: holder2wheel_left
    pid: {p: 100.0, i: 0.01, d: 10.0}

    type: effort_controllers/JointVelocityController
    joint: holder2wheel_right
    pid: {p: 100.0, i: 0.01, d: 10.0}

And here's the launch file:


  <param name="robot_description" command="cat $(find rover_project)/rover_description/urdf/rover.urdf"/>
  <!-- Load joint controller configurations from YAML file to parameter server -->
  <rosparam file="$(find rover_project)/rover_description/config/rover_control.yaml" command="load"/>

  <!-- load the controllers -->
  <node name="controller_spawner" pkg="controller_manager" type="spawner" respawn="false"
    output="screen" ns="/rover" args="left_wheel right_wheel joint_state_controller"/>

  <!-- convert joint states to TF transforms for rviz, etc -->
  <node name="robot_state_publisher" pkg="robot_state_publisher" type="robot_state_publisher"
    respawn="false" output="screen">
    <remap from="/joint_states" to="/rover/joint_states" />


And here's the transmission part in my urdf file:

  <transmission name="tran1">
    <joint name="holder2wheel_left">
    <actuator name="motor_left">

  <transmission name="tran2">

    <joint name="holder2wheel_right">
    <actuator name="motor_right">


    <plugin name="gazebo_ros_control" filename="">

Any idea?



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answered 2019-11-06 00:19:44 -0600

vitsensei gravatar image

Alright, I think I figured it out. You need to use hardware_interface/VelocityJointInterface instead of hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface like I did!

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You may want to look also all your ODE params for collisions and contacts in Gazebo: kp, kd, mu and mu2.

Weasfas gravatar image Weasfas  ( 2019-11-06 02:30:03 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2019-11-05 23:22:16 -0600

Seen: 205 times

Last updated: Nov 06 '19