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How to use docker to run PAL's REEM-C Gazebo sims?

asked 2019-04-18 20:27:03 -0500

ju78iklo9 gravatar image

updated 2019-04-21 05:24:57 -0500

gvdhoorn gravatar image

I want to run Gazebo PAL's REEM-C sims. I started out with ROS Kenetic on Ubuntu Xenial system resources a couple years ago. Completed “boot camp” using Kenetic/Xenial. To check my reinstall, I re-trained with every tutorial, except by using ROS Melodic/Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS. Gazebo basic training (3 wheeled bot, Velodyne) required moving meshes between Inkscape, FreeCAD, Blender. However, my quad core tutorial box (over time and a few ROS and Ubuntu re-installs later) now runs Bionic Beaver. It was suggested I use a docker to run REEM-friendly Gazebo environment so I don't have to redo my training box. If I don't see otherwise I will install docker and try to get docker to emulate the ROS Kenetic/Xenial environment required by ROS/Gazebo REEM-C sims. This may blow my training enviroment away, require wipe-and-reload, so I'm hoping somebody who has worked with docker can advise me if what I am planning on doing is feasible. I'll have plenty of lab resources to accelerate my goal of using REEM-C in non-industrial environments if I can just show C in custom progressive training modes to my non-technical, affluent associates, but not before. Any help is appreciated in advance.



The goal I want to achieve is not to simply sell PAL robots or show showcase REEM-C's bipedal prowess, or kicking a ball thru a goal post, or charging up an uneven hill with a KRISS Vector, but to simulate REEM-C's carefully engineered quality and superior agility in Gazebo's fixed settings. I know my targeted user settings and their stated requirements thru 15 years of well-earned trust and experience.

Full requirements of what I want to achieve are available, all doable in my opinion, in ordinary PAL/ROS/Gazebo simulations.

REEM-C's very first hypothetical performance is included below to answer your question about me explaining more about what I want to do with REEM-C in Gazebo simulation. PAL's REEM involvement in my Gazebo world would begin and finish in 7 fixed-process settings that, if done correctly may not change much. These real-world, existing packaged processes have changed very little in the last 50 years.

Once I/we get Gazebo simulations correct, we advance to the next six of seven total possible settings. I am already convinced (beyond doubt) a bipedal ROS robot can execute correctly in the seven categorical requirements. I've designed robotic operating system software for manufacturing, performed AI research for Honeywell Aerospace, been a System Analyst, IT Manager, Director, and completed basic ROS/Gazebo training over two ROS/Ubuntu upgrades with correct simulations.

This is where I need PAL's help: taking my system design (and coding) expertise to PAL (inside Gazebo) simulations with a Kenetic docker in my desired situation.

Once we have successfully completed a few Gazebo videos of one or two of the six categories, I'll be reaching out to my affluent associates with our newly constructed, PAL-approved Gazebo videos ... (more)

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2 Answers

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answered 2019-04-19 01:26:44 -0500

Victor Lopez gravatar image

Hi, the ideal starting place would be the ros kinetic Docker image hosted here:

In order to visualize gazebo you'll need gpu acceleration, so you'll have to extend the image to be run with nvidia docker 1.0. Follow this:

But if I may ask, what are you expecting to achieve with the simulation? At the moment there is no open source code to make the robot walk in simulation.

If you need to make the robot walk, you'll need to code it yourself. We (PAL Robotics) understand that this is not what most people want, and are studying providing Docker images with walking binaries already compiled. We are very close to having them for TALOS and could work on REEM-C as well.

If you provide us with more details about what you are attempting to achieve, we'll be able to provide better support.

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answered 2019-04-28 00:30:59 -0500

ju78iklo9 gravatar image

Problem solved loading Reem-C testing environment for now.

Original questions were focused on downloading, testing, and training Reem-C. Issue was I do not want to blow away my latest ROS development environment box (again) with commercial robot tests.

Solution: I received my abandoned Windows 7 box back which was sitting in storage. Got it pumped up with Reem-C friendly Kinetic. It took a couple tries but I ended up using ubuntu-16.04.06-desktop-i386.iso download from and linux live USB creator.

I don't require a docker for the moment, problem solved for now. Thank you for you answers, ROS Answers!

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Asked: 2019-04-18 20:27:03 -0500

Seen: 299 times

Last updated: Apr 28 '19