4 wheel ros_control
I have a robot that has 4 independent wheels and recently I was reading about ros_control package and I have decided to use it and create a hardware interface which is straightforward. I was also planning to make a local_planner for 4 independent wheels and came across this 4 wheel steering controller package: https://github.com/ros-controls/ros_c...
From reading its source code, it seems that it subscribes to /cmd_vel topic and computes all the necessary velocities to 4 wheels independently.
Does it mean that I can use any local planner (close to 4 wheel kinematics) and just feed the cmd_vel to this package and get commands to my 4 wheels?
I have a 4 fixed wheel robot (skid steer as wheels on each side are driven by chain from single motor) and use Navigation stack which assumes differential drive. It works just fine. No special planner required.
@billy Yes but my wheels can also turn and that is more challenging.